Wednesday 8 May 2013

Sarah - Caffeine

Background Information:
Caffeine has a Molecular Mass of 194 g/mol. Other interesting information is that it has a melting point of 238 degrees Celsius and a boiling point of 178 degrees celsius. Caffeine is and can be a very addicting substance, with both good and bad effects.

Caffeine has many benefits even though some people may want to make you think it is nothing but bad for you.

- Increases memory
- when taken as an enema it detoxifies the liver and cleanses your colon
- Stimulate hair growth
- Wards off Alzheimer's
- During exercise it can increase your stamina
- Could protect you against cataracts
- Ease depression

Health Hazards:
With all those great benefits listed above caffeine does also have some health hazards you should look out for.

- Muscle tremors, nausea etc (general toxicity)
- Cardiovascular effects
- May have and affect on your calcium and bone health
- Behavioural effects
- Can be linked to cancer
- Effects on your reproduction system

People who are addicted to caffeine, if they stop drinking it all together they will have something called caffeine withdrawal.

- Headache
- Sleepiness
- Irritability
- Constipation
- Depression
- Muscle pain
- Less concentration
- Insomnia

In order to reduce the negative effects of caffeine you could cut caffeine out of your diet or take in the recommended amount a day (cut back.) If you cut it out then you have to be careful with the side effects of caffeine withdrawal.

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